Sunday, September 13, 2015

September 13

What are we up to this week?
  • Create Meaning Strategically & Evaluate How Authors Create Meaning
    • Students are learning how to determine importance in what they read. We'll specifically learn how to find the main idea, summarize, use what we've learned from a text to determine what's important, use evidence to support an opinion, and synthesize what we've learned. 
    • We're continuing to work on improving our organization and details in our paragraph writing. This week, students will revise and edit a paragraph that they've written. They'll put this paragraph into Voice Thread (an internet based program) that will allow them to get feedback from their peers. Then they'll do another revision/editing of their paragraph before publishing it. They'll also practice writing similes/metaphors and meet with me in writing groups.
  • Demonstrate the Inquiry Process & Create a Process to Solve a Problem
    • Students will chose a health topic that they want to more about. They'll research the issue and create an Animoto (a web based slideshow program) to share what they've learned and propose a way to solve the health problem. 
  • Analyze the Interaction Within and Between Two Systems & Classify Patterns Using Models
    • We begin our next big science unit this week, which was kicked off by our Denver Zoo field trip. This week, students will focus on living/nonliving factors, biotic/abiotic factors, biomes, and ecosystems. 
  • Math- Number Theory: Rounding, Estimating, Factors, Multiples, Prime & Composite Numbers
    • This is one of the most challenging math units of the year. I encourage students to practice factors, multiples, and prime/composite numbers using links provided in class, links from our website, and Splash Math as part of their homework. 
    • Your child's math placement is fluid with each unit and is based on MAPS scores, classroom performance, and learning style. Many kids will be in a new math class starting tomorrow so that we can make sure your child is in a classroom whose pace matching his/her math strengths. 
  • Read Nightly- Your child should have two titles on the 20 Book Challenge Reading Log by now. 
  • Spelling- Our spelling is also a way for us to teach vocabulary, so the words will be challenging from here on out. Students get some time to practice in class, but practicing at home is essential to learn the spelling and meaning of these words. Here is the link to this week's words. 
  • Math- Options include: Ten Marks, Splash Math, Front Row, Moby Max, & links from Google Classroom or our class website
Snapshots of our Learning

Important Upcoming Dates

  • Tuesday, 9/22: Lockdown Drill 
  • Wednesday, 9/23: Picture Retakes
  • Tuesday, 9/29: Fire Drill
  • Monday, 10/5- Thursday, 10/8: Scholastic Book Fair in Library
  • Tuesday, 10/6 and Thursday, 10/8: Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • Friday, 10/9- Friday, 10/16: Fall Break

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