Thursday, August 13, 2015

August 13

Individual pictures are tomorrow. Your child should have brought home the picture order form after his/her GTKYM. Our pictures are scheduled for the afternoon. A little reminder slip will be in today's Thursday Folder.

We are in need of volunteers. If you are able to help out, please see our needs and sign up using this form. Thank you!

All students need headphones. Many kids did not have their headphones at the GTKYM. Please check with your child that his/her headphones are at school.

Students will have art next week and will be making their duct tape wallets to hold their classroom money.

Choir forms are in the office for all interested students.

Cell Phone Numbers
If you texted me your cell phone number this summer, I texted you a picture of your child on the first day of school. If you did not get the text from me, and you gave me your number, will you please text me that so I can make sure to add you to my texting list. If you would like me to text you quick updates or pics of your child randomly throughout the year, you can still text me your phone number at 303-720-2130.

Orange Leaf Fundraiser
Head to Orange Leaf from 4-8pm tomorrow and put your receipt in the bucket. 15% of every receipt will go toward PCE. Hope to see you there.

Homework FAQs
Q: Does fourth grade have homework?
A: Yes. There is a label inside of your child's Homework Folder that states homework expectations. We went over these expectations at Get To Know You Meetings. Your child should be reading, doing math, and practicing spelling as needed.

Q: What's with the Frindle book that was sent home today?
A: We have several required books for your child to read at home over the course of the year. Having a common book that we've all read helps us to have more meaningful discussions about reading strategies in class. Frindle is the first book that is required this year. It was chosen for it's easy readability, high interest, and character development.

Q: Is there a required activity to do with Frindle?
A: Yes. Students were shown a quick sheet to summarize each chapter of Frindle as they read. We did chapter one today in class. They'll submit this doc in Google Classroom when they complete the book.

Q: What if my child already read Frindle and does not want to re-read the book?
A: If your child already read the book (not that your child listened to someone else read the book), and remembers the plot well, then I can provide an alternative novel to read.

Q: When is Frindle due?
A: Simply put- when your child finishes the book. That may be this weekend, or it may be the end of the month. When the book is completed, your child should submit the summary document and return the book to school. Be sure to have your child add Frindle to his/her 20 Book Challenge sheet.

Q: How will my child know what spelling list to study?
A: Links will be posted on Google Classroom each Monday to that week's list of words. We will not have spelling on short weeks.

Q: Where can I find detailed information on this year's homework?
A: See the Homework page of our website.

Book Orders
Book orders are being sent home in today's Thursday Folders. If you'd like to order books, you can send in the order form with cash or a check. You can also pay by credit card by ordering online. There's a link to order online on the home page of our website. Orders are due next Friday. Scholastic Book Orders are a great way to get new books in your kids' hands, get them excited about reading, and they're tax-free. I'll be sending home book orders about once a month.

If you have a few extra dollars to spend at the store, here are some of our classroom's current needs.

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