Saturday, November 28, 2015

December News

World Class Outcome Focus: Analyze the characteristics of effective citizenship & Appraise the interaction between individual and societal activities
Some things to talk with your child about might include how you are an effective citizen and your thoughts on how an individual can impact society (think of the presidential election, charity work, service to a community).

Content/21st Century Skill Focus: Civic Responsibility
  • Branches and Levels of Government
    • Branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial
    • Levels: Local, State, National
  • Rights and Responsibilities
  • Citizenship
  • Student Council
    • Officers will be elected (5th & 6th graders)
    • Our representatives will be elected in class
  • Field Trip to Colorado Capitol
    • If you've not registered yet, please see the previous blog post with details on this field trip.
Ongoing WCO: Create meaning strategically & Evaluate how authors create meaning
  • Best Christmas Pageant Ever
    • Using this novel, we'll be analyzing plot and character development. How does the society impact the individuals in the book? How do the individuals impact the society? 
    • We'll be applying new vocabulary into blog posts that show our critical thinking about what we've read. 
      • Students will communicate digitally about what they've read and analyze what others have communicated to collaboratively understand the novel on a deeper level. 
  • Integrating the 21st Century Skill- Global Awareness
    • Students will participate in many choice activities that have them analyzing winter holidays celebrated around the world. 
  • Creativity- Students will have choice in their independent writing, which includes prompts that require them to hit writing targets and communicate their thinking with creativity.
Ongoing WCO: Create a process to solve a problem.
  • Math will focus on standard 4.3- Visual displays are used to represent data. 
    • Analyzing data to find: mean, median, mode, range
    • Line plots with fractions
    • Probability: likelihood and outcomes 
  • Students will continue to practice their flexibility, accuracy, and efficiency in our number talks. 
  • We'll delve deeper into multi-digit multiplication and division with word problems. 

If you can donate supplies for our holiday activities, please click here

December Events

Thursday, November 19, 2015

November 20 News

Holiday Adoption Information
Last year during the holidays, 70 families (over 184 kids) were adopted within the Douglas County community. These families came from Renaissance Expeditionary Outward Bound Magnet School, Fox Creek Elementary, Pine Lane Elementary, and Prairie Crossing Elementary.  These families received clothing gifts for each family member and toys for each child.  The program was very successful, and the families that were adopted were grateful and appreciative of the kindness and support of the Douglas County community.

This is the 9th year Prairie Crossing has participated in this program. Fourth grade would like to be a part of this community service building activity, and you are welcome to participate. We, as a grade level, will be adopting one family. Please visit the Bring It sheet to sign up for a gift if your family wishes to participate. Once you've purchased the gift, please wrap it, put a sticky note on it with the letter/number code listed on the Bring It sheet (ex. C4e), and send it in to your child's teacher. All wrapped/coded gifts need to be at school by December 8th. 

**Also, because of the sheer number of families that Alison Armour (the school social worker organizing this outreach) has, she'd rather our class not go beyond what is asked, but rather have parents that want to give more, contact her (719-232-7803), and you can help another family.  Sending in gift cards is another option. She always needs gift cards for food.  King Soopers is best, but she will take Target and Walmart as well. She first uses gift cards to make sure all families in our community have been adopted.  Then extra gift cards are used for food for the families.  Anything extra is used throughout the year for those families that come to us in crisis.*

Capitol Field Trip
As part of our upcoming study on government/civics in Colorado, we will be taking a tour of the Colorado Capitol building. Please follow these directions to sign your child up for this field trip.
1) Click on "Registration"
2) Click on "Field Trips"
3) Find "PCE - Colorado State Capitol Building " - underneath that, you'll see all 4th grade teacher on Ms. Tucker.
4) Then in the right box click "Register for this class" and then you either login or set up a new account.
If you have questions/problems with the online registration/payment, please contact:
RegWorks directly at 1-888-848-2194 or Kathy in our office at 303-387-8200

December Needs
If you can help contribute to supplies for our holiday party, please sign up here:

Sunday, November 15, 2015

November 15 News

Spelling: tele list
Math: Front Row, Ten Marks Jam Session, AbcYa, or Games Linked On Math Google Classroom
Reading: Your child should be finished with at least 8 books by the end of November

Talk with Your Child About...
  • Inflation- Beware! Using the Consumer Price Index Calculator, I showed them how our $2/week allowance in the 80s would be $4 a week in 2015. 
  • The choices you make when purchasing good and services, how you compare prices, and how you budget your family's money
  • The perspective/point of view of the different characters in the book your child is reading
  • How you use your bank/online banking system to track your money
  • How your family "gives back" (We read stories in reading group about how people/businesses give back to their communities.)
  • How you use tables/graphs in your job or personal life
  • The Lemonade War
  • The One and Only Ivan
Snapshots from the Week
Researching Flights to Vacation Destinations to Create a Table to Compare Data

Collaborating to Create our Stories

Using the Consumer Price Index Calculator to Figure Out the Price of Goods in 1932 versus 2015

Calendar Reminders
November 16: Small Business Owner Presentation to 4th Graders
November 16: Fire Drill 
November 23-27: Thanksgiving Break
December 4: Shelter in Place Drill
December 14: Fire Drill
December 16: Field Trip to Colorado Capitol (more info coming soon)
December 18: Winter Break Begins

On days that we have indoor lunch recess, I'll be allowing students to stay in the classroom to play board games (instead of going to the library to watch a movie). If it looks like it's going to be a day that we'll have indoor recess, feel free to have your child bring in some games to play. We did this last week, and the kids had a great time, and it was so fun to watch them play so well together. Please know that I am not the one making decisions about whether we go outside, so always send your child with warm layers to wear just in case. 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

November 7 Update

  • Math- Continue using websites. I also showed the kids how to use Ten Marks Jam Session, which is a great option if your child is looking for a different website. If you preferred written homework, please let me know. I am happy to provide written math homework for your child each week. I'll differentiate it based on what your child needs to practice, but I don't want to print out work if you/your child prefers the internet based practice.
  • Spelling/Vocabulary- de 
  • Reading- We recently used Read Theory in class. Students are welcome to do Read Theory as their nightly reading homework. (It is linked on the Links page of our website.)
Talk with Your Child About...
  • The positive incentives and negative incentives in: your life, your family, your job
  • The goods and resources (natural, human, capital) that you use and/or want
  • How your family budgets your money and your opinion on credit cards
  • Data tables that you use/encounter in daily life
  • The figurative language in the book your child is reading
  • The flat and round characters in the book your child is reading
  • The plot and characters of the story that your child is currently planning to write
  • The science fossils assessment that your child completed this week
Snapshots from the Week
Getting Feedback from Classmates as We Plan our Stories
Building our Writing Fluency by Planning and Drafting in Writing Group
Learning some Idioms Related to Thanksgiving