Sunday, November 15, 2015

November 15 News

Spelling: tele list
Math: Front Row, Ten Marks Jam Session, AbcYa, or Games Linked On Math Google Classroom
Reading: Your child should be finished with at least 8 books by the end of November

Talk with Your Child About...
  • Inflation- Beware! Using the Consumer Price Index Calculator, I showed them how our $2/week allowance in the 80s would be $4 a week in 2015. 
  • The choices you make when purchasing good and services, how you compare prices, and how you budget your family's money
  • The perspective/point of view of the different characters in the book your child is reading
  • How you use your bank/online banking system to track your money
  • How your family "gives back" (We read stories in reading group about how people/businesses give back to their communities.)
  • How you use tables/graphs in your job or personal life
  • The Lemonade War
  • The One and Only Ivan
Snapshots from the Week
Researching Flights to Vacation Destinations to Create a Table to Compare Data

Collaborating to Create our Stories

Using the Consumer Price Index Calculator to Figure Out the Price of Goods in 1932 versus 2015

Calendar Reminders
November 16: Small Business Owner Presentation to 4th Graders
November 16: Fire Drill 
November 23-27: Thanksgiving Break
December 4: Shelter in Place Drill
December 14: Fire Drill
December 16: Field Trip to Colorado Capitol (more info coming soon)
December 18: Winter Break Begins

On days that we have indoor lunch recess, I'll be allowing students to stay in the classroom to play board games (instead of going to the library to watch a movie). If it looks like it's going to be a day that we'll have indoor recess, feel free to have your child bring in some games to play. We did this last week, and the kids had a great time, and it was so fun to watch them play so well together. Please know that I am not the one making decisions about whether we go outside, so always send your child with warm layers to wear just in case. 

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