Saturday, November 7, 2015

November 7 Update

  • Math- Continue using websites. I also showed the kids how to use Ten Marks Jam Session, which is a great option if your child is looking for a different website. If you preferred written homework, please let me know. I am happy to provide written math homework for your child each week. I'll differentiate it based on what your child needs to practice, but I don't want to print out work if you/your child prefers the internet based practice.
  • Spelling/Vocabulary- de 
  • Reading- We recently used Read Theory in class. Students are welcome to do Read Theory as their nightly reading homework. (It is linked on the Links page of our website.)
Talk with Your Child About...
  • The positive incentives and negative incentives in: your life, your family, your job
  • The goods and resources (natural, human, capital) that you use and/or want
  • How your family budgets your money and your opinion on credit cards
  • Data tables that you use/encounter in daily life
  • The figurative language in the book your child is reading
  • The flat and round characters in the book your child is reading
  • The plot and characters of the story that your child is currently planning to write
  • The science fossils assessment that your child completed this week
Snapshots from the Week
Getting Feedback from Classmates as We Plan our Stories
Building our Writing Fluency by Planning and Drafting in Writing Group
Learning some Idioms Related to Thanksgiving

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