Friday, October 30, 2015

November News

Please check out your child's Science and Literacy pages on their eportfolios. We recently posted their Animal Reports and Bee Bots videos. I'm super proud of the kids' hard work on these projects and how they were able to show some of what they learned in October. 

Homework for November 2-6
  • Spelling -logy. These are HARD words this week. It would be helpful to work with your child to break them into syllables or chunks in the word to help them remember. 
  • Math Worksheets- Have your child do several problems each night. Please check your child's work each night so that they aren't practicing incorrectly. (Due Friday, November 6th)
  • Reading- Read nightly. Your child should finish two books this month. 

What are we learning in November?
WCOs: Analyze how perspective is a catalyst for change and how multiple relationships cause change. As we learn about economics and work in literacy, we'll focus on how perspective and relationships can cause change.
  • Literacy
    • We will be reading The Lemonade War focusing on: figurative language, using the text to support our thinking, writing in response to what we've read, and evaluating how the author strategically created meaning. 
    • Students will be writing stories. Each day's lesson will guide the students in ways to create meaning strategically to improve their writing. 
    • We will continue to write paragraphs in writing groups. We'll work on word choice, conventions, organization, and elaboration to create meaning strategically.
    • In reading groups, we will do close reads to focus on vocabulary, determining the main idea, finding proof in the text, and synthesize our reading to create meaning strategically. 
  • Social Studies- Economics
    • Students will learn a lot of new vocabulary and apply it to economics. Concepts include: incentives, resources, opportunity cost, goods and services, inflation, choices, comparing prices, credit cards, budgets, and debt. This is a great time to share your financial decision making with your child. 
    • We will have a local entrepreneur visit the fourth grade, and students will be able to apply all that they've learned in the real-world through her visit.
WCO: Create a process to solve a problem. 
  • We will test on chapter three (multi-digit multiplication and long division) on Monday, November 9th. Then we will move onto data as students learn about tables and line graphs.
  • Students will work in collaborative groups to solve inquiry based problems as they evaluate plans for a birthday party. 
Important Dates
  • Tuesday, November 3: No School
  • Friday, November 6: Book Orders Due
  • Friday, November 13: Doughnuts for Dads (See PCE email for details)
  • Monday, November 23- Friday, November 27: No School, Thanksgiving Break

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