Sunday, October 18, 2015

October 18

Spelling: pro
Math: normal work but practicing multi-digit multiplication is highly suggested
Reading: nightly reading, Bunnicula done and document submitted by October 30

Week at a Glance
WCO: Analyze the interaction within and between two systems & Classify patterns using models
- Classification of animals
- Using Bee Bots to explain classification of an animal (look for a video of your child's work at the end of the week)
WCO: Create meaning strategically in reading, writing, speaking, and listening & Evaluate how authors create meaning strategically
- Finishing body paragraphs of animal reports, adaptations paragraph
- Paragraph about Fall Break
- Personification
- Plot Structures
- Using evidence from the text to support our analysis
WCO: Attend to precision
- Inquiry unit on multiplicative comparisons
- Spiral review of previously taught concepts not yet mastered
Specials: PE

Quick Info
- Please see previous week's blog for info about the Halloween party. We still need some teeth and Skittles :) 
- I will be out Tuesday for a Gifted and Talented conference in Loveland as part of my role as the co-GT coordinator for PCE. I'll also be out Thursday afternoon to get my daughter's braces put on; boy do I feel your pain as parents with the time and money this involves! My lesson plans have not changed with these absences, so learning will go on as if I were here.  
Article from our School Psychologist

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